128th International Regatta

September 14 & 15 2024

General information

128th International Regatta
35th Belgian Open Sprint cup
22st Triptych of Ghent Rowing CLUB K.R.C. Gent

10 & 15 September 2024

Program 2024


Regatta course
straight line – dead water – five lanes- length 2000 m

Should be sent to K. R. Club Gent Yachtdreef 2, B 9000 Gent or directly by clicking this link:

Closing date : Monday 28 August 2023 at 6 PM. Each entry must include name, first name, date of birth and license number of each crewmember.

Entry fees

No fees are charged to foreign teams.


This takes place the 3rd of September 2023 at 7 PM at the Clubhouse of K. R. Club Gent.


Ultimate date the 3rd of September 2023 at 6 PM addressed to the regatta secretary of K. R. Club Gent (clara.francois@gmail.com).

Lane numbers

Placed and fitted on the bow of the boat. These are available at the secretary for a guarantee of € 5. The bow number is mandatory.

Contest rules

A. the races will be rowed in line under the rules of the FISA and KBR. No heats are organized.
B. The twenty-one races of the triptych formula Cups (2000, 1000, and 250 m) will be provided based on the best combined performance (the racing times of the 1000m and the 2000 m will be respectively divided by 4 and 8).

Prices and distribution

The first two teams from each competition will receive a price.
Triptych- & challenge cup are handed out Sunday evening in the Clubhouse.
Foreign victors receive a souvenir.


in our own sports guesthouse (more information: click here): logement@krcg.be

Other possibilities:

  • Hostel KRSG hostel@krsg.be
  • www.vjh.be/gent.htm
  • www.hostel47.com
  • www.bed-and-breakfast-gent.be
  • www.hotelreservation.com/Gent


Contact us

Contact us if you have any question or remark. We are pleased to help you!

Koninklijke roeivereniging Club Gent

Yachtdreef 2
9000 Gent

Thanks to our sponsors and partners